We are a community who cares deeply about independent living, and improving the quality of rehabilitation for Kiwis affected by spinal cord injury or impairment (SCI). This is regardless of whether someone is a new patient in hospital or many years post injury and living in the community.
Each year there are around 130 to 180 people diagnosed with SCI in New Zealand, with 80 to 130 receiving specialist acute SCI services.
Vocational Rehabilitation Service
Started in Christchurch in 2003 and Auckland in 2006 to provide specialised education, career planning and work support to both newly injured/ill persons and to those in the community, who have been living with an SCI for a period of time.
Peer and Whanau Support Service
Helps those with SCI and their families by delivering a calm, assured, perspective on the life changing situation they now face.
Resource centre
Has a unique and comprehensive collection of resources on disability and rehabilitation.
The New Zealand Spinal Trust was formed in 1994 by Prof Alan Clarke to address the unmet needs of rehabilitation, information, research and support for people with spinal cord injuries throughout New Zealand.
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