For those children living in households below 50% of NZ median income - about 200,000 children in NZ i.e. 1 in 5 - they are 3 times more likely to get ill and 9 times more likely to get injured/assaulted (UoA), go without food at least once per week (MoH), and be 6 times more likely to go to prison (Otago U)).
Our programme weaves together three strands:
Education provides 1:1 digital learning in our cluster schools.
Health provides school-based health professionals in every cluster school, every day.
Homes enables safe and healthy homes through a peer-to-peer approach of whanaungatanga and capability-building workshops for adults.
Kootuitui ki Papakura is unique in NZ. It is an integrated approach to address these issues by keeping children safe, warm and well, while getting a superior modern digital education.
Impact Lab has recently assessed our Social Return On Investment as $11 for every $1 spent in our programme.
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