We believe that every child with Down syndrome should have the tools to develop their communication, confidence, and independence, and the right to participate fully in society.
In New Zealand, a baby is born every week with Down syndrome. Learning to speak and communicate can be a real challenge for these kids, and the help they need is not available publicly and is unaffordable for most families.
We currently support over 200 children from Northland to Southland and everywhere in between. We're giving a voice to kids with Down syndrome all over New Zealand and equipping them with the skills to talk, read, and write. By funding their speech and language therapy, we're ensuring these kids have the best possible start to life; better physical and mental health outcomes, better chances of employment, much reduced social isolation, and even longer life expectancy.
Last year, provided over 2,000 SLT sessions for kids with Down syndrome.
In 2003, a group of parents of kids with Down syndrome sought to address this need by establishing the UpsideDowns Education Trust. By helping fund speech language therapy, we've ensured hundreds of kids have received tens of thousands of life-changing sessions and developed the ability to communicate effectively. The charity remains led by a group of parents who meet monthly to discuss strategy and governance, and coordinate our annual fundraising efforts.
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