We offer the magic of theatre, but what is more important, is providing the magic of inclusion. No one left out, no one left on the bench, no one turned away.
Children, young people or adults living with disabilities or additional needs are often prevented from joining community programmes, either because of access needs, or lack of support. Theatre classes with extra support tutors mean everyone can fully participate, and have their moment to shine on stage. By using accessible venues, everyone can get in the door.
Wellbeing and belonging are super important for all of us. By including everyone in our programmes, whether they have a disability, additional need or not, we create a space where everyone is welcome, and celebrated for who they are. By being 'people-focused' not 'disability-focused' we provide spaces for everyone to meet, increasing friendships and connections, while having fun.
Our focus is to create change, when you make things accessible for one group of people, you make it accessible for everyone.
Oh, and wait there's more....we also create multisensory theatre experiences for people with very profound disabilities and high sensory needs, so they can enjoy theatre their way, check out more of what we do on our website!
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