Our Story

We realised that it is way too hard to find charities online, and even harder for them to share their incredible stories.

With over 28,000 registered charities in Aotearoa New Zealand and $1.4bn donated per year by generous kiwis, we decided it was high-time that givers had a simple way to find and donate to causes they care about.

Enter Chive, Aotearoa New Zealand's trusted digital marketplace for charities. We're a registered charity, and are commited to making giving to inspirational causes easy, empowering and effective.

Our Mission

To make giving easy, empowering and effective.

Our Beliefs

That giving is in our human nature and should be a positive experience.

Our Values


Generosity underpins all of our actions. Good for the charity sector is good for everyone.


We do what is best for the charity sector through evidence-based decision making.


We don't claim we have the answer for the charity sector. Listening and feedback drive our direction.

About Us

Kia ora! We're Stephen and Alice, two individuals passionate about supporting charities. We truly believe in the power of people to tackle the challenges that our communities face. Digital inclusion and new tools for the community sector are essential to cultivate the good work being done across the country. We're excited to create this virtual community and learn with you all.

Stephen Johnson


Story-teller and big thinker, Stephen is passionate about re-imaging how we create change. Before Chive, Stephen spent 4 years in International Development, previously at Oxfam in the UK and Ethiopia and recently for the British Council as part of their Global Social Enterprise programme.


Alice Marsh


Design-thinker and strategy guru, Alice is a doer for social good. Alongside Chive, Alice is completing her Masters in Strategic Design and Management at Parsons, and is a creator of The Social Experiment, an immersive training for millennials geared for creating social change.


Our Advisors

Connor Finlayson

Founder - Unicorn Factory

No-code wizard and all-round nice guy, Connor is our resident builder. He is also the founder of Unicorn Factory, NZ's largest freelancer community.

Julia Arnott-Neenee

Director of Strategy & Insights at The Spinoff | Co-founder | NEXT Fellow| World Economic Forum Global Shaper

Julia is an International Strategist and Insights specialist, passionate about technology, human behaviour and social impact. She serves her Pacific community, and people across Aotearoa.

Saphron Cawley Matamua

Creative Generalist | Digital StrategisT

Saphron is a Creative Generalist and Digital Strategist in the charity space. She is kaupapa-driven and passionate about community, representation and social impact. A mother, navigator and Pasifika mentor, she is on a mission to change narratives and help shape a future landscape for intergenerational prosperity in Aotearoa.

Stephen Knowles

Professor of Economics - Otago University

Data whizz and Dunedinite, Stephen is interested in understanding what motivates people to give to charity and why. He has written numerous papers on this area which you can find here.