Picture of children playing in lake

Find Inspirational Charities in Aotearoa
New Zealand

Curious about what to donate to? Discover charities creating an impact in Aotearoa New Zealand with ease.

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We want to change the way charities are represented in NZ. This means having a platform that represents any charity in a clear, fair and accurate way with info that is easy to find.

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How it works

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What people have been saying

Such an amazing way to see all the incredible initiatives that are happening here in Aotearoa. An easy way for me to know where I want to contribute!

Briony McKenzie
Cares about ā€” Support in Tough Times

I love the vibe! The layout makes it so easy to find causes I care about.

Matt Browning
Cares about ā€” Youth

It is so helpful to have ONE place to find any charity we could be looking for. I think what Chive does is phenomenal in supporting the impact ecosystem. We've been needing Chive for a long time!

Tui Williams
Founder - Emerge Institute
Cares about ā€” Support in Tough Times

This is so important - Quite simply the easiest way to find charities in New Zealand.

Hugo Elworthy
Cares about ā€” Climate Crisis

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